Smartypants (oh, I mean smartinof4steve) has been as busy as a bee between work, getting presents off to his family, and being very nice to me, Mrs. Smartypants. Today he has meetings from noon to five pm, and the minute he gets home, we're hopping in the pre-packed truck and heading to my family. He's blue about not seeing his family this Christmas (so please, call us at my mom's house all weekend long), but on the to-do list he emailed me this morning (such a smartypants), he said to take pictures of our Christmas tree before all the presents under it got packed.
I'm going one step farther and posting these pictures. This tree was stolen from the side of the road in the dark. It's decorated with cranberries, handstrung by moi, silver-frosted pinecones, Smartypant's gingerbread cut-outs, and candycanes. We're very proud of it.
Merry Christmas everyone! Traveling mercies and much love to all.