Monday, April 21, 2008



We've had a visit from our lovely cousins from Colorado. Pictures and details at Alexe's blog.

We've had a week of a nasty cold, which miraculously Annaliese has largely dodged. Alexe was hit last Monday, I got it late Wed., and Annaliese was stuck sitting between her miserable parents in bed, bright eyed and bored. Thank goodness for the transitive mama-antibodies.

The building is trucking along. I've run into 3 big zingers at the same time: heating and cooling, electric, and new window sash.

I'm learning about 3 phase power, which I'm going to put the whole building on, (3 new meters, 4 gauge wire, over 100 ft from meter box to breaker box. Just the wire: Ouch.)

We've repaired the boat our neighbor gave us, (all the wooden bits had rotted away from the otherwise perfect aluminum body) and took a joy ride last evening around Enid lake with a borrowed 4 horse motor. We learned 1) that Annaliese is adorable, and loves to pee, 2) that we need a bigger engine, 3) that we need cushioned seats and a canopy, and 4) that the sunset in April on the lake is gorgeous. It was a blue sky with wisps, and as the sun went down, there was a rainbow 30 degrees south of the setting sun. Amazing.

We came home and had a little barbecue.

Baby's sleeping more, Alexe's been working on a nighttime routine that is getting her in bed before 9, with only 2 to 3 feedings. A huge improvement. And The child is getting more personality, and more smiley, as the days go by.

We had a very successful Founder's Day celebration on Saturday, celebrating 150 years of Water Valley. The Main Street group organized music, races, games, food vendors, etc for the whole day, with the county's first ever fireworks display. We shut down mainstreet for the whole day, with the last band wrapping up around 10 pm. (We're still in MS afterall.) Alexe ran a wonderful baby crawl competition (which our child couldn't participate in, she's not quite there yet.) and you'll never guess who was half of the winning horseshoe team.

Looking forward to our May trip North, as the sun is getting amazingly toasty already down here. Lots to do, have a bid in on another project that I will expound on if we get it, and the regular work and full plate are chugging.

Pictures when I'm on the right machine...