Friday, February 27, 2015

Uncle Cousin Nick Came to visit!

Before rocketing back to Moscow for another year of high-minded thinking on the ills that plague our design and building industries, or something like that, we had uncle cousin Nick with us for a short visit.  This young man stayed with us for several months while we were expecting Caspian, and will always have a special place in our hearts and family lore.  (During name-picking conversations, he was the source and champion for "Roglin' Coughlin".)

The family's expanded since his last visit.

Caspian, who could have been a Roglin', is now Nick's godson.  

This speaks for itself.

A dinner at the Crawdad Hole.  That little man ended up asleep in my lap.  

Where Nick had a reunion with his favorite Cajun.  The visit was too short, but Nick is in high demand by his family and friends.  One of the easiest, most pleasant third wheels and guests you could ever hope for. He's going to wrap his time in Moscow some time this year, and we're keeping a couch handy in case he decides to swing back through.

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