Saturday, November 28, 2015

Kids' Bathroom

The last room in our house that hasn't been gutted and redone.  This is the downstairs bathroom, off the hallway that connects the kids' bedrooms. They treat it poorly, and I haven't had the desire to touch it.  But after finishing our upstairs shower, it was the last big thing on the to do list.  

So one day I started.

And of course the remodel in the 70s had covered over even bigger problems.

A new floor, built out of the only pressure treated wood I've used anywhere in the house.  Covered in hardi board.  Banked to drain towards a single floor drain.  Sealed using the neat Red Guard rubberized shower pan goop.  Lots of it.

Tiled up 7 ft, on all four walls.  I wanted robins' egg blue tile, and could not find them anywhere.  Ended up buying white tile from a box store, and the same day I stopped at the old schoolhouse that friends recently bought, and mentioned my sad compromise on the tile color.  Our friend Cinnamon went into the schoolhouse, (its a big old sprawling building that most recently housed a hardware store and lumberyard,) and came out with one of these tiles.  The next day we dug out 20 boxes, 10 tiles short of the amount I needed to do the whole room.  

So I went back to work tiling.  

And tiling.

And tiling.

With a break to grout.  (This time with a good pair of rubber gloves.)

And then more tiling.

And grouting and rewiring and ceiling fan installing and painting etc.  The usual slog.

But...  Voila.

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