Friday, August 26, 2016

Cousin Hazel! (and his parents.) Part 2

It was a nice place to meet up. Plenty of activities around, and places to explore.  The kids made bird houses at a day camp, found some kids their age and rotated from the pool to the hot tub to the game room to the s'mores pit to the outdoor movie screenings each night.  

Alexe and Annaliese headed out to find the ropes course while others were napping.  An hour later I was called to come pick them up, about 100 ft short of their goal. Classic Alexe.

A bit of tennis.  With maple margaritas.  

Fun to see the pasty-white Vermonters getting some sun.

Hazel's mobile playpen.

Gearing up for a late morning hike up to a waterfall.

About to set out.

A lovely hike, up a valley next to a brook, with impressive trail infrastructure the whole way.

Snack-break, or for this young man, a quick fishing break.

The crew.  And a nifty stone sidewalk.

Carrying her boy's fishing equipment.

My Nephew!

An easy group to vacation with.

We lingered to watch some local specimens get into the freezing cold water. Two poor souls drowned here the previous two weeks, a young man from Virginia Tech, and a father who dove in to rescue his young son, and never resurfaced after pushing his boy to the edge.  Sobering beauty.

My favorite girl.

Annaliese entertaining her cousin on the walk back down.

a.Natalie with our sons.

The next morning we packed into the vehicles and headed in opposite directions, with promises to figure out next year's halfway point gathering, and to never again assume a lake is still present just because it's there in the pictures.

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