Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Christmas 2015 / New Years 2016

Christmas morning, relatively early by the looks of it.  The kids wake up to find their stockings at the foot of their beds, and as long as they put on their new jammies we are happy to see their excited little faces.

Present opening.  All of a sudden Annaliese decided she likes being a farm girl, and asked for a new pair of overalls.  (Her last pair went unworn until she grew out of them.)  Worth it.


He's about to open his elf jammies.

I'm not sure what came over me.  This year I wanted pies, a ham, and some church-pot-luck-classic jello with floating canned fruit.  

Annaliese in her Pippi Longstocking jammies, Alexe in her new garden cart.

And then the in-laws arrived!  (The day after Christmas. Or maybe two days after.)  Auntie Eliza, cooking away.

The days between Christmas and New Year are a cornucopia of down time to play, watch movies, and eat everything in the house.

We didn't quite do every Hobbit/LOTR movie like we have in the past, but we watched a few of them.

For New Years we went to Clarksdale to watch Supa Chickan rock out at Ground Zero.

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