Tuesday, February 16, 2016

January 2016, part 1

My dear sister in law is gearing up for her wedding at the end of this year, and among the many pieces of wedding planning is a charming expectation that she will forego all carbohydrates between now and her wedding day.

I made her waffles.

We took a hike through the woods to burn them off.

Explored the sand pit.

Charlie and Eliza brought the pie-face game.

One of Alexe's Christmas presents.  I like having a stock pile of exotic wood to tinker with when the mood strikes me.

My little children.  

Alexe learning how to use her garden cart.  Her first try wasn't the best, with several hundred pounds of dirt on the wrong side of the axle.

The kids and I cut a secret path through the woods form the back of our pastures to the city's sand pit.

We went through a few patches of brambles.

Ah!  Here it is.  Annaliese turned this mirror into Rudolph.  

A good friend who is fond of Annaliese and Caspian has made them Christmas balls for the past couple years.  A series of little presents wrapped tightly into an endless ball of crepe paper.

I don't know what's going on here.

u.c.Nick's Christmas package arrives.

Our Epiphany baby turns 8.

She requested lasagna, and her adoring mama suited up and made it from scratch.

So Fast!

And yet, she's still our little girl.

Annaliese was a character of the month for January.

Friday night music at the brewery on Main Street.  Something unexpected and wonderful about this spot; this is the most family-friendly, warm and welcoming place to drink beer I have ever been.  Note the number of kids under 2, all known and loved and passed around the room all evening.  

Birthday take 2.  Saturday, the kids and I spent the morning decorating for the slumber party which was held until the weekend.  Alexe hurried home from work to bake the cake.  

Many, many little girls arrived to spend the night.  

Caspian and I bailed.  We went to watch the new Star Wars.

Somehow he survived the night without being crushed by an overcome-by-cuteness father.

We came back late, to a rock star Alexe still dealing with a gaggle of wide awake and wired young girls.  I believe the last time Alexe had to go downstairs to talk to them about settling down was 4 am.

The next morning was rough.

But after packing up the troupes and sending them home, we enjoyed a lovely Sunday, which Annaliese joined us for after some napping.

We're still at the beginning of January here, and those are daffodils.  And my farm girl.

The kids and I walked the fence line, again, and Caspian tried out his new saw, courtesy of u.c.Nick.

Winding down for the night with a game of Uno.

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